Debbie Downer

For starters, no offenses to the Debbies of the world…

I actually have one in mind who definitely doesn’t fit this description!

And it’s not that I’m feeling totally down, but it has been a LONG week, I’m tired and I’m about to wrap up all things in Scottsdale starting today and make this move official and final. So, I’m just feeling all kinds of feelings right now.

And I love that I just posted a picture on Facebook of me for one, not looking so great, for two, not smiling! I feel like I’m only to share the joyful me for all to see. But in keeping it real, there are other sides to me!

Oftentimes, I can’t really pinpoint what I’m feeling. This morning, confusion is what I’ll call it. And I’ll say I don’t doubt for one second my move to Colorado. I LOVE it there and my heart is at peace.

But… it’s definitely peace amidst some challenges. And let’s just say, not how I imagined things to be!

The job I took? It is streeeetching me emotionally and mentally. I’m working for a technology start-up. We’re developing a platform for smart phones that at the end of the day should help people have richer, healthier relationships. It’s cutting edge, it’s a great cause… I’ve been hired to help with the Customer Care aspect of it all.

But, there’s not a lot of structure (which I thrive in) and the hours have been longer than I anticipated (which I’m complaining about an area I probably need to establish more boundaries in!). It’s like learning a whole new language for me, so imagine not really understanding much of what is being discussed on a day to day basis. And, I’m being asked to do work that I know isn’t an area of strength for me.

But then, I get to dress super casual and dogs are running around the office, and I can take a break and walk right outside the office building and grab a coffee or whatever I feel like eating at all the great places within a five minute walk. And the mountains are always in the background. And the people are really great and make me laugh…

Oh, and this week, I moved into a super cool house in Denver. It’s over 100 years old with lots of character. And whenever I share the location with anyone, so far they’ve each responded with how much I will love the area! So, it’s a great one… but it’s a four bedroom with two bathrooms, and limited hot water supply. So I have to coordinate with my other roommates each night the shower schedule and I’m moving my toiletries from one place to the next… and did I mention the 40-minute commute to work?

But, the three women I live with are AMAZING and have sweet, sweet hearts.

So why can’t I focus on all the good and leave out the bad?

Grateful today that God’s grace is enough. And grateful that I’m loved even when I know I have so much to be grateful for and I’m feeling the way I do.

And I hate whining and complaining… but I’m doing it here, anyway, for all to see.

Thanks, God, for loving the ‘Debbie Downer’ in me.

Facebook picture.

16 thoughts on “Debbie Downer”

  1. keep on keepin’ it real, sister! I’m happy for you, and moving is an adjustment even when it’s a good move. Trust me… I know. I feel your joy and pain. I’m currently sharing a shower with about 20 AMAZING people, and have to coordinate shower schedules too :) We had food rationing over here for a while too. As you’re experiencing…sometimes we get thrown into the deep end, but we also learn way more about God in the process than if we had never taken the plunge. ;)

  2. Ah… the Debbie in you is BEAUTIFUL. We so all have it. And like you I work hard to hide it. Thank you for being authentic, for sharing your heart, thank you for allowing those who love you to see behind the light joyful curtain of laughter into the truth of challenge, confusion, exhaustion and need. Dare it say it…. we are needy. We need each other, we need Him. We need to feel the Debbie downer inside each of us, it’s the only way she can slowly make her way to the surface and be released. Love.

  3. Real is good! I wish more people could be a bit more transparent in life. You are always welcome at our house, anytime. :) We are glad you are in our awesome state. And even when we are at peace with life in general, it doesn’t mean we don’t have our down times. Hang in there. It will get better. If not, move the the Springs!! :) Ha ha!!!

  4. First of all, we all have our moments… And it’s OK. That’s NOT being negative in my book. Think about all that you’ve taken on in such a short time. These things are major life changers, moving, new job, new residence, new surroundings. These are top stressors, so your feelings are understandable. Sounds like your being pushed out of your comfort zone, as it relates to your job and perhaps some things you may feel aren’t your strengths. That’s a good thing. It’s called life experience, and there isn’t anything you can’t do my friend. ;)
    Do find the boundaries and the beauty in every day. All the little things are big things, and if cuddling in bed with the best dog ever makes you happy and gives you peace, then cherish that and do it daily! YOU bring sunshine to others everyday with your smile and just by being you. Always take time for YOU! Love you my friend, enjoy your journey! :) xo

  5. Hey sister! Everything happens for a reason! Just trust the process….this too shall pass!! Are you here? Wanna hike or walk in the morning? I would love to see you before you go back but I totally understand if you have a lot going on. Miss you!!

  6. Moving is one of the greatest stresses a person can go through. There is definitely a period of mourning for what you left behind. It’s all about that dying to self thing and that is SO hard. I will pray that God meets you where you are and comforts you and that you are able to keep your eyes focused on the blessings, sweet friend. Here’s to LIVING OUT LOUD! :-)

  7. Love you and praying for you as you walk this road that the Lord has you on. Full of adventure and uncertainty. My word of the year is TRUST. What’s yours?

  8. Haha!!! I actually just heard about a concert in a couple of weeks at a church down there… I may just have to take you up on your offer! I’ll be in touch…

  9. Thanks for the reminder and kind words, beautiful friend! Please email me the latest and GREATEST on you… need more details on your recent post!! LOVE YOU!

  10. Woo hoo!! Living and laughing out loud!! And sometimes, crying, too!!! Love and miss you, Dawn!!

  11. Me, too! ;-) Love and miss you! PS. I think I saw Kevin the other day on Pearl!!

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